Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why was this program developed?
A: The Frost & Sullivan Customer Experience practice has identified areas in which best-in-class brands continue to raise the bar for highly personalized and effortless customer experiences. By recognizing companies who are breaking new ground in customer service excellence, we have created a forum for celebrating and sharing best practices in the world of customer service.
Categories include:

  1. The Mr. Roboto – AI, and Automation
  2. The Get Up Stand Up – Hybrid Workforce
  3. The 9 to 5 – Customer Experience Analytics
  4. The Good Vibrations – Innovative Agent Engagement
  5. The Virtual Insanity – Self Serve and Virtual Assistant

Best-in-class brands continue to raise the bar for highly personalized and effortless customer experiences in these areas. These experiences help cement long-term customer relationships and build greater brand loyalty and advocacy. As a result, these companies are able to attract, retain, and grow more customers than their competitors, while keeping service costs lower.

Frost & Sullivan created the CC Awards for two simple reasons. First, we want to recognize those companies who are setting the bar high and putting industry best-practices in place in a time of collapse, disruption and digital transformation. Second, we want to take time out to leading companies, their employees and most importantly, their customers.

Q: My company is a service provider. Can we submit an application?

A: The five categories are for practitioners only. However, you can nominate your clients for any of the five categories. Plus, service providers can enter the Work Hard, Play Hard category, which highlights contact center culture; on-premise, hybrid and remote. Take us behind the scenes to show us how you rock your contact center team spirit. What keeps your team jazzed for tackling those hard days? How do you celebrate team wins? How do you create that community team bond? More information can be found here:

Q: How are companies scored?
A: Those companies that scored higher than the benchmark in each category are awarded the status of Finalists.
These first stage winners (Finalists) are invited to advance to the second stage—a qualitative round consisting of essay response to a series of questions for each category.

Those companies selected as Finalists will be honored in the category or categories for which they entered.

The Finalists and the Best-in-Class AWARD WINNERS will be announced for the first time at the 20th Anniversary Customer Contact East Executive MindXchange in April, 2024. You must be present at the event to win the Best-in-Class award.

Q: Can I see the full list of winning companies?
A: The full list of Finalists will be released on November 8th, 2023. Finalists will receive a PDF copy of the press release, as well as the PR Newswire link to share internally with their employees, customers and shareholders.
Q: What is the process to advance to the Best-in-Class qualitative evaluation stage?

A: You will only be invited on November 27th, 2023 to advance in the categories for which you placed as a Finalist in round one.  You will have until December 11th, 2023 to complete and submit your second round, qualitative application(s).

Q: What deadlines should I be aware of?

A: First Round – Surveys Must Be Completed by November 8, 2023. To fill out the survey, follow this link

Second Round – Qualitative Submissions Must Be Completed by December 11th, 2023.

The CC Awards Ceremony & Cocktail Bash – We will be honoring all Finalists and announcing the Best-in-Class AWARD WINNERS for each category at the 20th Anniversary Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange event.
For more information, visit

Q: What are the benefits of receiving this recognition?

A: The benefits of being distinguished as a CC Award Winner are many!

In terms of market awareness and brand perception, you benefit in these ways:

  • Appreciate your team and company for their commitment to customer service excellence.
  • Receive global recognition among your peers.
  • Increase market awareness of your distinction as a leader in customer service.
  • Be seen as an active contributor to the vision of increasing customer service excellence through strategy and implementation.

Personally and professionally, you and your organization benefit in these additional ways:

  • You will be recognized for your achievements and invited to appear in-person to receive
  • Automatic advancement to the Best-in-Class evaluation stage in the category (or categories) in which you entered. The Best-in-Class AWARD WINNING recipient in each category will be announced for the first time at the 20th Anniversary Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange.
  • A complimentary pass to the CC Awards Cocktail Bash.
  • Preferred rate to attend the full 20th Anniversary Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange event for you and your team.
    • This event will include a great line-up of speakers and will afford you an opportunity to network with customer engagement leaders from around the nation.
Q: Is there a fee to enter the Awards?

A: There is a flat $95 nomination fee, regardless of the number of categories you select.

What do the The CC Awards evaluate? What are the categories?
A: The CC Awards program identifies best-in-class companies that demonstrate the hallmarks of a progressive, innovative and forward-focused enterprise in customer experience strategy and implementation.

The 2024 Categories include:

The Mr. Roboto – AI, and Automation
This category recognizes companies for excellence in implementing Artificial Intelligence, such as machine learning, and natural language processing for enhanced agent and customer interactions business insights.
The Get Up Stand Up – Hybrid Workforce
This category recognizes companies for excellence in establishing a Hybrid Workforce by using the best of remote and in-office work to create a seamlessly integrated workforce.
The 9 to 5 – Customer Experience Analytics
This category recognizes companies for excellence in leveraging analytics to deliver differentiated customer experiences, while driving improvements in operational KPIs for the organization.
The Good Vibrations – Innovative Agent Engagement
This category recognizes companies for being rockstars in Innovative Agent Engagement by leveraging enhanced technologies, incentives, flexible scheduling, and career path development to retain and improve the agent experience.
The Virtual Insanity– Self Serve and Virtual Assistant
This category recognizes companies for excellence in self-service, including Virtual Assistants, web self-service, interactive voice response, and integrated customer collaboration and support capabilities.
Promotion of your award
Q: Can you clarify permissions around using the Frost & Sullivan logo in our marketing?

A: This is the logo you have permission to use in association with your recognition.

A .png file of this logo can be sent to you by your account rep. If you would like to purchase a custom logo / digital badge to display on your website that includes the year and category of your recognition, please let us know.

Q: Are there any additional ways I can leverage and promote this award?
A: The following opportunities are available for winning companies that would like to expand the visibility of their award throughout the year. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

  • Video Interview at the 20th Anniversary Customer Contact West: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange
  • Finalists and/or Best-in-Class AWARD WINNER Case Study by Frost & Sullivan
  • Customized logo, Analyst quote, and more
Q: An award plaque will be issued to winners on-site at the 20th Annual Customer Contact East: Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange. What do I receive if I cannot attend in person?

A: We are able to mail you a certificate following the event, but to win the Best-in-Class AWARD, you must have a team member present onsite.

Q: What is the approved description of the program and of Frost & Sullivan that I can include in our press release?

A: This is the approved boilerplate for your press release.

For over five decades, Frost & Sullivan has become world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success.

The Frost & Sullivan Customer Experience practice has identified areas in which best-in-class brands continue to raise the bar for highly personalized and effortless customer experiences. By recognizing companies who are breaking new ground in customer service excellence, we have created a forum for celebrating and sharing best practices in the world of customer service. The CC’s identify and honor companies and teams that are leading the way in creating excellent customer experiences.

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