september, 2020

23sep11:40 AMStrategic Boardroom Zone 1: Customer Support: Your Call is Very Important to Us!11:40 AM Fab Facilitator: Julie Weingardt, Vice President, Operations, Turo

Event Details

As a business thrives, there often comes a point when decision makers need to ask if it is more effective, efficient and economical to engage a business process outsourcing company (BPO). Determining your internal and BPO customer care strategy is the focus of this strategic session.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Critical factors for engaging a BPO (when)
  • Best practices for choosing one or more BPO partners (who and where)
  • Techniques for delivering the expected customer experience seamlessly across internal and outsourced resources (what)
  • Insights on leveraging the BPO relationship to advance your internal environment or infrastructure near-term and long-term (how)


(Wednesday) 11:40 AM

Fab Facilitator

Julie Weingardt, Vice President, Operations, Turo

Speaker Link